A Light Path

Prince George of Cambridge

Cards of Destiny – Prince George, Born 7/22/2013
The Six of Clubs, The Card of Higher Purpose

Cards of Destiny

HENCE, According to the Cards of Destiny, England’s Prince born on July 22, 2013 is represented by the Six of Clubs. So, What a perfect day to be born for a future King of England. The Six of Clubs means responsibility to truth. He must learn to find a system of truth that he can believe in and live his life by. Once attained, there is no limit to how much good the Prince can do in the world.


As a Result, the card of ‘responsibility of the spoken word’ the Six of Clubs will always have issues about what he says and what he does.  The high side Six of Clubs always practices what he preaches and must be careful about what he says.


THerefore, The Prince will certainly have a responsibility to maintain inner balance and peaceful communications with those in his life. This is one of the cards that can attain the highest degree of material and/or spiritual success.
This card is also known as the psychic card and it is surprising to see how few of the people of these birth dates are aware of their gift.  Some Six of Clubs have a special mission in their life, one that involves bringing others to the threshold of some ancient and powerful truth. These are the bringers of light.  Once they tap into their hidden reserves and their natural intuition is recognized, they find their lives guided and protected from the highest sources possible.


Welcome to the world – Prince George – Bringer of Light
by Gloria Gray Riley


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